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Comeriver Workplace Pricing



Check out our affordable plans for teams on Comeriver Workplace. If you have any questions about pricing, please give us a call.




per work hour

We operate a post-paid per second pricing model. We charge only for every productive hour any member of your team uses on Comeriver Workplace.


What Does it Cost to Use ComeRiver Workplace?


The pricing is so affordable that the madam selling Akara on the street can pay effortlessly. The cost right now is ₦20 per hour and it is post paid, meaning that customers will get to use it first before they pay; we charge only for the hours team-members of our clients use working.


For a team that has four members, if the team works average of 5 hours per day, the daily rates will be:


20 x 5 x 4 = ₦400 per day.